Monday, July 2, 2012

Nutella Chocolate Covered Bacon Cupcake

Are you looking at my title and thinking "is this girl serious?" How could I not be serious? Everyone (except me) LOVES chocolate and bacon. I don't remember what tickled me to create this cupcake but I just knew it HAD to be done. You've got your savory salty and your sugary sweets in this. Sweetapolita is a blog full of tasty sweets and I wanted to try her Fluffy Vanilla Cake recipe with her Nutella Cloud Frosting. Please check her out she has amazing recipes with great tips! 

I made a few tweeks to her Cake recipe. I added a 1/2 c of Heath Bits and 2 tbsp of bacon fat. The heath bits were a great touch to the fluffy cake. I'll have my friends judge the frosting because I don't like chocolate (why not? explained below). Dip the bacon into melted chocolate (I used a double broiler method) and sprinkle heath bits. 

I was a fat michelin baby full of rolls shoulder to my hands, thighs to my feet. Growing up my mom didn't introduce chocolate in my life. I never acquired a taste for chocolate and till this day do not enjoy it. When it came to sweets my mom set the rules strict. Friday - two pieces of candy and Tuesday - one ice cream cone, THATS IT. I doubt I'll ever like chocolate and anyways there are other things in my life that I thoroughly enjoy that make up for chocolate- deep fried foods (drool) and cream sauces.

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