Saturday, September 22, 2012

Pork Belly: Part Five

Another episode of the pork belly but this time it's larger and thicker, just my type. It's glorious when the pork belly is thick because it's extra juicy and flavorful. Once again this is a non marinated korean bbq dish. I usually grill it on both sides then cut into bite size pieces then dip it into seasoned sesame oil. The seasoned sesame oil is just half salt, half pepper, and a drizzle of sesame oil just to coat the two. Dip your grilled meat into the oil, Mm Hm!

 Another set of korean side dishes that are served with the meal. It's an array of different types of vegetables that are marinated in either sesame oil or peppers. The black speckled oil concoction in front is the seasoned sesame oil that I dip my meat in. The brown paste to the right of it is fermented soybeans. It does smell a bit off but it's super tasty. It's naturally salty but it's pungent taste is great with the meat. I like to make a rice lettuce wrap by layering lettuce, rice, bean paste, then the meat.
 Two other side dishes that are complimentary with your meal. Egg souffle at the bottom. It's pretty much just eggs and water with sesame oil that is cooked quickly in a hot bowl. The texture is very smooth and soft. I like it better than regular scrambled eggs. The top bowl is dengjang gook which is fermented soybean soup. It's delicious with cubed onions, zucchini, and tofu. The egg souffle and the soup are usually paired at most Korean BBQ restaurants as service.
Spicy potato pork soup - hunks of potato with cabbage, bean sprouts, and pork on bones. It's a refreshing soup for the winter. My favorite part of this dish is the pork as it just falls off the bone. When most of the soup is done I like to add my bowl of rice and eat it with the soup. 
This was the last segment from my trip back home. I hope I was able to introduce different kinds of food. Growing up and eating Korean food has really expanded my taste buds to find different flavor and textures from all different cuisines. I love to explore new restaurants to see how my palate will react to the dish. For the most part I'm usually satisfied as I love food. 

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